The Penn State Alumni Association

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After completing my first year at Behrend, Erie, in 1950, I transferred to what is now Slippery Rock University, graduating in 1953 with majors in English and Social Studies. While there, I served as editor of my class yearbook and president of the professional English fraternity, Sigma Tau Delta. My military deferment expired with graduation, and I was drafted into the U.S. Army, serving 16 months in Korea. Upon honorable discharge, I turned toward journalism, spending the next 40 years toiling in both print and broadcast journalism in five states. This included 20 years in Alaska, where I covered government, politics, and the petroleum industry, which in 1967 had discovered North America's largest oilfield on Alaska's North Slope. In 1970, the Alaska Chapter of the National Wildlife Federation and the Alaska Sportsmen's Council jointly named me Alaska Communications Conservationist of the Year. In 1980, I earned an MPA from Harvard University. In 1990, I received an award from the Ohio State Bar Assn. for "Excellence in Writing on the Legal System." In 2004, my nonfiction book, Alaska Agonistes: The Age of Petroleum, was published to critical acclaim. Another is in progress dealing with the controversy over whether to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It's due out early next year. For more details, Google: Joe LaRocca Journalist Alaska Agonistes.